
Dear Mission Partners,

Warm greetings to you from Bangladesh Methodist Church as well the Workers in Jesus’ precious name. It is to be informed that since it born in 1984 August 12 till today the Ministries have been expanding with its motto to Win Souls and Planting Churches.

We do express our acknowledgement that the Blessings from God and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit also the cooperation of the Friends have encouraged to move forward in view of enlarging the Tent of Lord in this land where Christianity is only .4% out of 165 million people and mostly Muslims like 91%.

It is to be shared that the Bangladesh Methodist Church is leading 155 churches with 18,000 Congregation, Schools, Hostels and Projects including Methodist Theological Seminary.

So, the Methodist Church has been playing role as the pioneer of Evangelism within a short period  only 33 years. Apart that the BMC is member AMC and WMC as well as participating with National Council of Churches in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Bible Society and leading roles for Winning Souls from Major Community.

I hope that the Methodist Workers have much zeal to bear witness for Lord’s Kingdom and be Servants of Jesus to carry out the Great Commission in this Land (Matt 28:18-20).

Yours in His Grace,

Bishop Dr. Simon R. Biswas
Bishop & Chairman
Bangladesh Methodist Church/Trust